Machiner Learning for Big Data
April 12, 2018
SVM linear implementation on stochastic gradient descent
April 12, 2018
SVM linear implementation on stochastic gradient descent
March 06, 2018
From signal monitoring and anomaly detection to A/B testing
February 08, 2018
From ideias to production step-by-step
October 06, 2017
Using deep learning for face classification
April 21, 2017
Peering into future remains an imperfect science
February 22, 2017
Passing arguments on command line and piping scripts
January 15, 2017
How math and statistics are related and some key concepts in a data analysis
November 13, 2016
Working on visualization on R using the ggplot library
November 06, 2016
An introduction to bayesian statistics and it's applications on data science
October 16, 2016
How can unix commands on terminal helps on analysing data
October 10, 2016
Understanding Git branch and when it should be used.
October 06, 2016
When and why to use Git on solo data analysis